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Welcome To HorseBoard

Started by Administrator, Oct 01, 2023, 07:56 PM

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I had to remove the old board due to security issues affecting the entire server. I've been actively seeking professional experts to update the board, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to find anyone willing or capable of transferring the old databases to a new forum.

Fortunately, I do possess backups of the old forum, and I remain committed to making the old information accessible on a new forum. I warmly invite everyone to sign up and engage in discussions on this forum.

I'm also taking the opportunity to learn more about forum management and coding, as I admit I'm a bit rusty in these areas. I hope everyone is doing well!

Best regards,


Hi, Joe. Hope all is well with you and your family.  We're doing okay, got through COVID all right, but there have been other heath hiccups along the way.  Wish I had emails from the other old members to let them know you've got a new forum up.  I just decided to look today and here you are.


It's wonderful to see your message. I attempted to locate self-proclaimed experts to salvage the old board and transfer its information to a new one, but unfortunately, it proved to be an impossible task. However, I have successfully preserved all the old data, and perhaps in the future, there might be an opportunity to rescue it.
Hopefully the world has been treating your family well.
Nothing new from Mary and I we are just getting older lol.
Our Daughter Kate this summer climbed Mt Kilimanjaro and is now the librarian at the philosophy library at Harvard.
I still own a few horses, that i can probably out run lol.
Again hope all is well with you and your family.


Hi Joe!  Hi DJK!  For some unknown reason I decided to Google horseboard this evening.  What a surprise to find it back up!  I may have a way to contact a couple former members.   


  Hi to all, especially the old members of HB. I signed up with my previous screen name, so yes, it's me, back again. Thanks, Joe, for all your hard work in making this available to us. Now I just have to figure out how to navigate the new format!

Horse’s Rear

Thank you, Joe, for bringing Horseboard back to life.

It feels a bit like getting the band back together so we can finish rehearsal in time for our spectacular return playing on the Titanic's maiden voyage, but at least now there will be a place to discuss the last days of racing without being bothered by Mike Repole making himself commissioner or Bob Baffert suing a couple of drunks in the clubhouse.

I think that summarizes Horse Racing Twitter, but I haven't really been paying attention.

Horse’s Rear

Next question: is there a way to start a new topic? Or does all conversation go here?


Hi All : )

It's good to see familiar names posting here.

My life hasn't changed much, except for the back pain is worse and my time in the computer chair is limited more than ever.

I can't remember if I posted on the older board that I had to put my feral dog, Jaya to sleep. She lived a good long life for a dog her age, and her final 8 years were filled with love and a sense of safety that she didn't get in her first 5 1/2 years of life.

Ironically, I got Jaya's ashes back on November 7th of 2022 - I buried them above HaHa's grave.  A few hours later, it dawned on me that HaHa was also buried on November 7th some years prior.  Jaya and HaHa were best of friends, so that was an appropriate coincidence.     

My golden retriever AU is doing fine, hard to believe though that he's 8 years old.  Song my grey tuxedo cat is around 13 now.  And I can't remember if I told ya all about Thump.  She  has 3 legs, her right hind let was amputated when she was around 6 months old.  She got her name because as she walks across the floor, she makes a thump, thump, thump sound. : ) 

So that's the update on me and my crew.

Joe, thank you for this new edition of Horseboard. 

Some people are like light just want to snap and shake the $@!% out of them until the light comes on : )

Horse’s Rear

Let me offer my personal update, but it's been so long, I am not sure how far back I have to go.

I co-authored a beautiful coffetable book, The Heath & The Horse: A History of Racing and Art on Newmarket Heath. It seems expensive, but given the quality of the art (and history!)it contains, it's really quite a bargain (thanks to a significant subvention from the Jockey Club).

I got married, but then soon after that, I was widowed. Then I retired. I have had a few horses, and currently have a broodmare and a yearling. Hopefully, racing can survive long enough for me to enjoy some success.

I have designed an online museum exhibit on the early history of the thoroughbred.  I will go look up its address and post it here.


Quote from: Horse's Rear on Feb 27, 2024, 12:13 AMNext question: is there a way to start a new topic? Or does all conversation go here?

I took me awhile to find out how to add a topic.
On the home page just click on Welcome to Horseboard andyou will see at the top of that topic a button to add a new topic.

De Troll

 ......... I found the "new topic" .. started a thread .. that likely should have gone in this thread.. I'm mostly still breathing .. but not always very good ..? Guess as each month passes my generation "War Baby Boomers" grows smaller and smaller.. So I'm now able to call the local ER folks be their first names .. :(
    I got a good grin out of "putting the band .. back together" ..!

Horse’s Rear

RoMo! Happy to see you back!

Tom Ferguson

Just now figured out how to open this thread and read it. Good to see y'all. Don't play horses with the same regularity I once did, but whenever I do I'll be thinking of this place and dropping in to see if there's any, uh, action.

We are back in Michigan for the final laps. Before that we spent eight years in Nebraska. I have been away from Horseboard so long I can't remember if Nebraska is old news here or not.

At any rate, I have moved from a state that barely has any racing to one that has none at all. Not a good part of the deal.

Good to see y'all.
Beau No Genius